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Be a Better Podcaster: How To Hone Your Voice and Grow Your Audience

This session is for those interested in launching a new podcast or growing an existing one.

Member Price $24.00

Nonmember Price $54.00


The what, why, and how of podcasting for nutrition and dietetics professionals. This session is for those interested in launching a new podcast or growing an existing one. With literally millions of podcasts available, how do you carve out a corner and build a devoted audience?

CPE Level: Level 1 (basic knowledge/experience)
CPEU: 1.5

Performance Indicators

  • 2.2.3 Delivers accurate and credible messaging.
  • 4.2.8 Evaluates the effectiveness of plans and decisions and make adjustments when needed.
  • 3.1.6 Takes an active role in sharing information and knowledge.

Learning Objectives

  • Outline the time commitment, equipment, and software needs of podcasting, and evaluate whether or not it is a good brand extension
  • Explain the concepts of pre-launch research and planning, including outlining an episode format or template; identifying a niche audience; brainstorming potential topics; and establishing recording, editing and marketing strategies
  • Prepare for the current challenges of monetization in the podcast space and brainstorm ideas about ways to leverage a podcast for value-add beyond sponsorships and ads


  • Brierley Horton


  • Regan Jones
  • Carolyn Williams

Release Date: October 10, 2023


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