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Dietary Supplements in the Military: Use, Threats, and Proposed Educational Solutions

Dietary Supplements in the Military: Use, Threats, and Proposed Educational Solutions

Learn how all RDNs/NDTRs can benefit from the research and progress in the use of dietary supplements in the military.

Member Price $24.00

Nonmember Price $54.00


Dietary supplements are ubiquitous in the military. Approximately 75% of all U.S. service members self-report using at least one dietary supplement on a weekly basis. Service members report using dietary supplements for performance enhancement and for optimizing mission success. Unfortunately not all dietary supplements are health-promoting, and some may pose unintended risks of harm, threatening military readiness and, ultimately, one's career.

Recently, the Department of Defense has issued a formal instruction on the use of dietary supplements. The instruction mandates education for all service members and providers, ensures adverse event reporting by providers, establishes a list of prohibited ingredients and formally establishes Operation Supplement Safety as the Department Defense's "go-to" educational authority on dietary supplements. Operation Supplement Safety works closely with federal partners and community partners to identify gaps in resources, and develops evidence-based educational solutions. Learn how all RDNs/NDTRs can benefit from the research and progress in this important area.

CPE Level: Level 2 (intermediate knowledge/experience)
CPEU: 1.0

Performance Indicators

  • 7.1.4 Measures, analyzes and reports data to monitor adverse events, errors and accidents.
  • 8.3.6 Evaluates sport/dietary supplements (safety, legality, efficacy, quality, application to sport) and considers evidence-based reviews and testing by reputable third parties before recommending sports/dietary supplements.
  • 9.3.5 Uses a variety of strategies to deliver education.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain how dietary supplements pose a threat to military readiness.
  • Identify effective of public/private partnerships to improve dietary supplement safety.
  • Examine targeted solutions for closing educational gaps on dietary supplements.


  • Maria McConville


  • Andrea Lindsey
  • Jonathan Scott

Release Date: October 8, 2023


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