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So You Want to Write a Cookbook? Author Insights and Strategies for Publishing Success

So You Want to Write a Cookbook? Author Insights and Strategies for Publishing Success

Whether you plan to develop a cookbook for your nutrition clients or publish a bestseller for the public, this session will provide you with the knowledge and skills to succeed.

Member Price $24.00

Nonmember Price $54.00


Have you always wanted to write a cookbook, but don't know where to start? Look no further! Whether you plan to develop a cookbook for your nutrition clients or publish a bestseller for the public, this session will provide you with the knowledge and skills to succeed. While honing your writing skills, our panel of award-winning authors will guide you on a journey through the steps for cookbook development, including applications to other media like food blogs and culinary classes.

CPE Level:Level 2 (intermediate knowledge/experience)

Performance Indicators

  • 8.5.2 Develops or modifies recipes, menus, and meals using sensory perception and other food components.
  • 9.3.3 Develops educational materials considering the client's literacy, cognitive and physical functional levels to achieve objectives.
  • 2.1.4 Uses a variety of media to deliver information

Learning Objectives

  • Apply effective food communication strategies to share and transfer ideas, feelings, and information to clients and stakeholders in cookbooks and other food writing projects
  • Outline the steps for developing a cookbook for the intended audience
  • Include food styling tips in your food writing projects, including cookbooks, food blogs, and other media, and in culinary classes


  • Kevin Sauer


  • David Holben
  • Ellie Krieger
  • Carolyn O'Neil

Release Date: October 10, 2023


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