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From Preconception to Menopause, the Role of the RDN in Minimizing Cardiovascular Risk in Individuals with Diabetes

From Preconception to Menopause, the Role of the RDN in Minimizing Cardiovascular Risk in Individuals with Diabetes

From Preconception to Menopause, the Role of the RDN in Minimizing Cardiovascular Risk in Individuals with Diabetes

Your Price $10.00 - $54.00

Cardiovascular disease remains the top health threat for all women, especially those with diabetes. Additionally, conditions that impact women during pregnancy including hypertension, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes are emerging as cardiovascular risk factors.

This session explores the unique risks that women face, the differences in cardiovascular disease presentation and highlights the role that the RDN has in minimizing cardiovascular risk in women with diabetes. Current research in this area is explored. Discussion considers social determinants of health and other barriers that impact women's access to care. Interactive case studies will be integrated throughout so participants can critically think and apply their knowledge in real world situations.

Planned with the Diabetes Dietetic Practice Group

Product Publish Details

Release Date: October 6, 2024


CPEU: 1.50 (Valid Until May 31, 2027)

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate critical times in a woman’s lifespan where cardiovascular risk increases and recommend nutrition and additional strategies to mitigate risk.
  • Compare disease risk and disease presentation between men and women.
  • Develop effective patient-centered strategies to mitigate risk and improve access to care.

Performance Indicators

  • 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision-making.
  • 8.1.5 Demonstrates knowledge of nutrient requirements throughout the lifespan, and their role in health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 8.2.4 Integrates new knowledge of disease states and clinical conditions into practice.

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Anna Parker


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Gretchen Benson, RDN, CDCES


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Amanda Kirpitch, MA, RDN, CDCES, CDN


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Retu Saxena, MD


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