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Open cans of vegetables seen from above.

Preserving Delights: Where Your Journey into Food Preservation Begins!

Take advantage of this opportunity to embark on your food preservation journey and gain the knowledge and skills to keep your favorite flavors at their best for longer. Join us for "Preserving Delights" and unlock the knowledge and techniques to enhance your culinary journey and support a more sustainable future.

Member Price $24.00

Nonmember Price $54.00

DPG/MIG Price $0.00


This webinar was presented live on September 20, 2023. The CPE associated with this activity expires on December 31, 2025.

Student pricing: $10.00

In this informative webinar, we will dive into the science and art of food preservation. Dr. Schwan will guide you through the scientific principles of canning, freezing, and drying, where you will learn about science-based preservation techniques and gain a deeper understanding of how these methods work to keep your food safe and flavorful. You will learn about canning low-acid and high-acid foods, safety considerations, and necessary steps in canning both types, empowering you to preserve a wide range of culinary delights confidently.

This webinar is free for Public Health and Community Nutrition DPG members.

CPE Level: 1
CPEU: 1.0 (valid until December 31, 2025)

Performance Indicators:

  • 8.5.3 Uses a variety of cooking techniques, food preparation methods and production and delivery systems.
  • 12.4.4 Makes recommendations to prevent and divert wasted food throughout the food system.
  • 7.2.1 Applies knowledge of biological, environmental, physical or chemical properties that may cause food and water to be unsafe for human consumption.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the scientific principles of canning, freezing, and drying.
  2. Identify and examine methods of preservation that can or must be used for certain foods.
  3. Identify differences in procedures for canning low-acid foods and high-acid foods.


Dr. Schwan is a food microbiologist and serves as the director of the National Center for Home Food Preservation. Her research and Extension programs address emerging topics related to home food preservation methods, including canning, freeze-drying, and fermenting. Dr. Schwan also provides leadership and training focusing on consumer and retail food safety. She has gained extensive experience through her work in countries such as Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Paraguay, and the United States. During her trips to these countries, Dr. Schwan has worked with culturally diverse individuals and audiences, helping them understand food safety, processing, preservation, and public health. Besides her passion for international research and development, Dr. Schwan really enjoys offering multiple annual in-service training programs for UGA county-based faculty covering food preservation, consumer food safety, and ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification.

Release Date: September 20, 2023


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