This product is free for CV-Well members.
This webinar was presented live on February 1, 2023.
This evidence based presentation will explore the differences between weight stigma, weight bias and weight discrimination. Weight stigma can be experienced in in the health care setting, with family and friends, and in the workplace setting leading to decreased self-esteem, depression and anxiety and decreased motivation. Poor mental health outcomes are associated with unfavorable physiological outcomes example an increase in allostatic load, leading to undesirable anthropometric outcomes. We will take a closer look at BMI (an imperfect tool) and review recent BMI recommendations by 1) race, 2) age and 3) medical history. An alternative weight neutral approach for discussing diet and exercise with our patients will be discussed along with case studies.
CPEU: 1.0
CPE Level: 2
Performance Indicators: 8.1, 8.2, 9.6
Learning Objectives
- Define weight stigma and understand how it impacts our patients
- Explore broadly the pros and cons of BMI, weight and weight loss interventions.
- Increase awareness of how to improve outcomes with a new approach to discussing diet, weight and exercise with our patients.
Geeta Sikand, MA, RDN, FAND, FNLA, CLS, CDE
Director of Nutrition, Preventive Cardiology Program
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
University of California Irvine, CA
Geeta Sikand, MA, RDN, CLS, CDE, FAND, FNLA, is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Director of Nutrition, Preventive Cardiology Program, University of California, Irvine. Ms. Sikand is a Clinical Lipid Specialist, Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy), and a Fellow of the National Lipid Association (NLA). Ms. Sikand serves as an At-Large Board Member on the NLA Board of Directors and is President-elect of the Pacific Lipid Association. Ms. Sikand Co-chairs the NLA Nutrition Task Force and the NLA Clinical Lifestyle Modification Toolkit. Ms. Sikand serves as the Academy’s Cardiovascular Content Expert for the CV Health and Well-being dietetic practice group.
Ms. Sikand is the recipient of multiple awards, including the NLA’s 2020 Presidents Service Award, the Academy’s 2019 Medallion Award, the 2019 California Academy’s Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award, and the Academy’s 2018 SCAN DPG Excellence in Cardiovascular Practice Award.
Ms. Sikand has authored multiple book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on cardiovascular nutrition. Ms. Sikand is a seminal co-author of the NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia – Part 2 and was co-chair for Nutrition Interventions for Adults with Dyslipidemia – a NLA Clinical Perspective.
Ms. Sikand’s has published her own seminal research studies on dietary strategies for CV risk reduction and beneficial outcomes of medical nutrition therapy for patients with dyslipidemia and cardiometabolic risk factors. She is the lead author of the 2018 Clinical and Cost Benefit of Medical Nutrition Therapy by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists for Management of Dyslipidemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Lipidology (2018). Ms. Sikand Co-chairs the NLA South Asian Workgroup and is a coauthor of the 2021 Prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in South Asians in the US: A clinical perspective from the National Lipid Association - Journal of Clinical Lipidology.