It might seem like a moot point to promote collaborations amongst the NEDPG because truly, the NEDPG already promotes and embodies a strong collaborative spirit as an organization and community. However, as individuals, it is important to explore our own thoughts and actions in the context of collaborations. We each have our own strengths and areas for improvement in ALL areas…and collaborations are no exception. In this webinar we will explore collaboration basics as well as nuances. Attendees will have an opportunity to look ahead in their Life and career and ask things like: How could I benefit from being in more or different types of collaborations? Where can I look or who can I reach out to for a potential collaboration? If you were to create a collaboration…what would it be? What would MY mantra be to advocate for collaborations? This session will take the form of a virtual road trip with an accompanying Spotify playlist to encourage and motivate attendees to foster new and different types of collaborations.