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Sustainable Healthy Diets and Food Justice with Animal-Sourced Foods


Sustainable Healthy Diets and Food Justice with Animal-Sourced Foods

Sustainable food systems encompass multiple interests including regenerative agriculture, the role of plant-based and animal-source foods in healthy diets, and more. As the role of food systems intensifies in global debates about personal, population, and planetary health, these topics are more relevant and impactful than ever. Against this backdrop, few sources of nutrition have come in for greater scrutiny than meat and other animal-source foods. Consumers, stakeholders, and policy makers have questions about meat's impact on nutrition and the environment, while competing views and muddled science can create more noise than answers. Speakers in this webinar will discuss the latest research and evidence on the nutrition, health, and environmental impacts of meat production and consumption, as well as the cultural and societal consequences of dietary recommendations. Attendees will hear unique, expert perspectives on nutrient density, health risks and benefits, and food justice - with speakers focused not only on advancing accurate scientific understanding but also on addressing barriers to consumer communication.

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Ty Beal, PhD

Ty is currently a Research Advisor on the Knowledge Leadership team at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) where he generates evidence to guide programs and mobilize knowledge related to global nutrition and food systems. He is a global nutrition scientist focused on helping to achieve healthy and sustainable diets for all. His research seeks to understand what people eat and how it impacts their health and the planet.

Ty has led quantitative global analyses on diets and nutrient density and context-specific studies on nutrient gaps and the complex determinants of child growth and obesity. He works across the food system to help identify strategies for how to transform food systems for human and planetary health.

He holds a PhD from the University of California, Davis, where he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.

Alice V. Stanton, MB, BSc, PhD, FRCPI

Alice is a clinician-scientist. She is currently Professor in Cardiovascular Pharmacology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and Director of Human Health at Devenish Nutrition. Her interests include the diagnosis and management of high blood pressure, cardiovascular and personalized medicine, the relationships of salt, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, red meat and dairy intakes with human health, and most recently, the sustainable production of nutrient-rich foods to ensure healthy diets for all.

Alice has delivered many lectures concerning evidenced-based healthy diets from sustainable food systems, including the Science Lecture at the January 2020 Oxford Farming Conference, which was entitled "Food Quality & Human Health – The Evidence."

Alice recently served on the Committee developing "Ireland's Agri-food Strategy to 2030" and as an Assembly Member for the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission. She is a Member of the Irish Climate and Health Coalition, the International & European Societies of Hypertension, the British & Irish Hypertension Society, and the Irish Heart Foundation's Council on High Blood Pressure. Alice has authored in excess of 140 peer-reviewed published papers, and has had grants and fellowships from the Health Research Board (Ireland), Enterprise Ireland, Higher Education Authority (Ireland), Irish Heart Foundation, Irish Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Engineering Physical Science Research Council (UK), Medical Research Council (UK), and the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme.

Diana Rodgers, RD

Diana is a "real food" nutritionist and sustainability advocate near Boston, Massachusetts. She runs a clinical nutrition practice, hosts the Sustainable Dish Podcast, and has served as an advisory board of numerous nutrition and agriculture organizations including Whole30, Animal Welfare Approved and Savory Institute. She speaks internationally about the intersection of optimal human nutrition, regenerative agriculture, and food equity.

More recently, her work has focused on shifting the anti-meat narrative. Diana is co-author of Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat and the director, producer of the companion film, Sacred Cow. Her new initiative, the Global Food Justice Alliance, advocates for the inclusion of animal-sourced foods in dietary policies for a more nutritious, sustainable, and equitable worldwide food system.

She has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Edible Boston, Outside Magazine, Mind Body Green, and Men's Health.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: June 8, 2022


Learning Objectives

  • Compare the nutrient density of animal-source and non-animal-source foods and understand their roles in nutrient sufficiency.
  • Assess scientific research on meat consumption as a risk factor for disease.
  • Evaluate the food justice impacts of dietary recommendations and policy interventions related to meat consumption.

Performance Indicators

  • 12.1.1 Advocates for and promotes food and nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food insecurity, nutritional health and overall health and wellness.
  • 12.4.5 Identifies and creates partnerships with local and global food growers and producers to increase access to nutrient-dense food/crops that are affordable, culturally relevant, environmentally friendly, efficient, resilient and substantiable.
  • 8.1.2 Integrates knowledge of biological, physical, and social sciences with knowledge of food and nutrition to make decisions related to nutrition care.

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