The Health Professional's Guide to Nutrition Management of Food Allergies was written, edited, and reviewed by renowned physicians and dietitians from around the world with expertise in food allergy, and in partnership with FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education). This essential reference is designed to support health professionals working with patients of all ages to help safely diagnose and manage allergies to specific foods, including the top nine food allergens, and other allergic disorders related to food. Divided into three sections, the chapters cover the science, rationale, and evidence-based guidance for food allergy diagnosis and management.
Section 1: Foundations of Food Allergy addresses the pathophysiology of adverse reactions to foods, including both immune-mediated and non-immune mediated reactions, with detailed coverage of immunoglobin E(IgE)-mediated food allergies, diagnosis of food allergies, and oral food challenges.
Section 2: Nutrition Management of Food Allergies provides practical guidance on food allergen avoidance; educating for food allergy management outside the home; caring for patients with non-IgE mediated food allergies, including food protein–induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP), food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), and eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders; and managing cow's milk allergy with elimination diets during breastfeeding and appropriate hypoallergenic formulas.
Section 3: Prevention and Treatment of Food Allergies covers two topics of growing interest in modern food allergy: nutritional interventions to prevent development of food allergy, and oral immunotherapy to foods as a treatment for existing food allergies.
Sample pages include the Table of Contents, Preface and Chapter 1.
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