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Malnutrition Matters!  Latest Evidence for Nutrition Assessment and Interventions for Older Adults

Malnutrition Matters! Latest Evidence for Nutrition Assessment and Interventions for Older Adults

This session will translate the guideline's recommended applications into daily practice.

Member Price $24.00

Nonmember Price $54.00


Student Member Price: $10.00

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Center is developing an evidence-based practice guideline to prevent and treat protein-energy malnutrition in older adults living in the community and long-term care. This session will translate the guideline's recommended applications into daily practice. The guideline will include recommendations for malnutrition assessment, such as use of valid and reliable assessment tools, as well as nutrition intervention recommendations for RDN interventions, enrichment, and oral nutrition supplements. Accordingly, presenters will analyze the current state of the evidence on nutrition care for older adults living in the community and long term care and provide practical information to apply these recommendations in daily practice through case study analysis.

CPE Level: Level 2 (intermediate knowledge/expertise)
CPEU: 1.0

Performance Indicators

  • 10.1.1 Leads intra- and interprofessional teams to identify, develop, implement and evaluate valid and reliable nutrition screening tools and procedures.
  • 6.2.3 Analyzes and interprets data to form valid conclusions and to make recommendations.
  • 8.1.5 Demonstrates knowledge of nutrient requirements throughout the lifespan, and their role in health promotion and disease prevention.

Learning Objectives

  • List malnutrition assessment tools that are valid and reliable for identifying protein-energy malnutrition in older adults living in long term care or community.
  • Summarize the literature describing the efficacy of RDN interventions, protein-energy enrichment, and oral nutrition supplements to treat or prevent protein-energy malnutrition in older adults living in long term care or community.
  • Apply information from the Malnutrition in Older Adults Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline in their current practice.


  • Judy Simon
  • Anne Coltman

Release Date: December 8, 2021


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