This product is free for students and NEHP members.
This webinar was presented live on September 21, 2021.
NEHP DPG hosted this diversity symposium to help inform nutrition and health profession educators. Speakers come from an array of disciplines and will each cover topics within their area of expertise, you don't want to miss it! The four main talks in this series will focus on health disparities and nutrition needs for transgender populations, dietitians with disabilities and overcoming adversities and challenges, food security and empowerment and lastly, health at every size and weight inclusivity. Come join us in these interactive discussions to help better understand marginalized communities. A panel featuring four RDNs with disabilities in various work settings will share stories about their RDN career path, the challenges they have faced and the successes they have achieved.
CPEU: 4.0
CPE Level: 1
Session 1: Assertive Practices and Nutrition-Related Considerations for the Medical Nutrition Care of the Trans Population
The unique nutrition needs for the transgender population has been increasingly recognized by professional nutrition organizations. Transgender people are an important group for whom access to healthcare is often problematic. This webinar has within its goals to serve as an introduction to a subject with very limited information and studies, clarifying key terms and concepts, exploring the impact of nutrition interventions on health and nutrition while offering practical advice for nutritional and other health related issues based on results from evidenced based research.
CPEU: 1.0
CPE Level: 1
Performance Indicators: 1.3.6, 2.1.1, 8.2.3
Learning Objectives
- Understand the definitions and terms commonly used within the transgender community.
- Identify therapies or treatments for gender affirmation and their possible nutritional implications.
- Know sensitive and affirmative intervention strategies to serve trans people.
Speaker: Alana Marrero González, LND, MHSN
Session 2: Promoting Diversity in the Dietetics Profession: The Role for RD/RDNs with Disabilities
A panel featuring four RDNs with disabilities in various work settings will share stories about their RDN career path, the challenges they have faced and the successes they have achieved.
CPEU: 1.0
CPE Level: 2
Performance Indicators: 3.2, 4.2, 1.2
Learning Objectives
- List three worksite accommodations that RD/RDNs with disabilities can use.
- Describe two benefits that RD/RDNs with disabilities can uniquely provide to the profession.
- List two ways RD/RDNs without disabilities can interact and work more effectively with RD/RDNs with disabilities.
- Neva Cochran, MS, RDN, LD , FAND (Moderator)
- Suzi Baxter, PhD, RD, LD, FADA, FAND (Panelist)
- Alicia Connor, MA, RDN & Chef (Panelist)
- Wendy Wittenbrook, MA, RDN, CSP, LD, FAND (Panelist)
- Jackie Henderson, RD, LD (Panelist)
Session 3: Empowering Food Security: Integrating Systemic Approaches to Address Individual-Level Barriers for Better Population-Level Outcomes
Working around food insecurity is commonplace for nutrition professionals, yet approaches are limited by factors from availability of programs to acceptance by food insecure individuals. Educating current and future health professionals in evidence-based strategies for addressing food insecurity in a culturally-sensitive way ensures that we are directing our limited resources to the greatest impact. Here I cover the epidemiology, current strategies, and key points to keep in mind when educating clients, students, and professionals about this sensitive subject.
CPEU: 1.0
CPE Level: 1
Performance Indicators: 1.1, 8.2, 12.1
Learning Objectives
- Identify with and adhere to the code of ethics for the profession.
- Recognize and respect the physical, social, cultural, institutional and economic environments of the individual, group, community and population in practice.
- Advocate for health and disease prevention in the community and population.
Speaker: Detrick Snyder, MPH, RDN
Session 4: You are NOT What you Eat: Exploring Non-Diet Approaches to Health
This talk will summarize a shift in traditional weight-normative approaches to health and will introduce weight-inclusive and non-diet approaches. Weight stigma in nutrition and healthcare will also be discussed.
CPEU: 1.0
CPE Level: 1
Performance Indicators: 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 8.2.1
Learning Objectives
- Articulate the negative effects of weight stigma on health.
- Describe the differences between weight normative and weight inclusive care.
- Define key principles of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating.
Speaker: Emma Laing, PhD, RDN