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Hands-On Nutrition Education: Teaching Healthy Eating Skills Through Experiential Learning

Renee Hoffinger, MHSE, RDN

Hands-on nutrition education, or HONE, is described as any nutrition education or counseling encounter that actively engages the participant. In HONE, learning is experiential—arising from first-hand observation and actual hands-on completion of tasks.

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A 2022 Doody's Core Titles® selection!

Hoffinger's book is chock-full of outstanding ideas, resources, and references that can help nutrition educators actively engage participants in the learning process. If your job requires you to help people make dietary changes to improve their health or if you are engaged in nutrition education in any form I urge you to order this book. — Carol A. Friesen, PhD, RDN, LD, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and Graduate Program Director, Ball State University, in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Hands-On Nutrition Education will undoubtedly become a treasured resource for all practitioners who purchase it. It will likely become a foundational resource for all dietetic internships and even undergraduate nutrition programs, as the key to true success in our field is imparting these critical life skills to our clients and students and empowering them to make them sustainable. Vegetarian Nutrition Update
This book will guide you from the theoretical underpinnings of hands-on nutrition education (HONE) programs to the tools necessary to turn that theory into practice and customize a program for your target population. Learn practical guidelines for different types of HONE activities, including:
  • Food demonstrations
  • Grocery store tours
  • Cooking classes
  • Development and management of institutional HONE programs

Resources include equipment lists, cooking class materials, resource planning sheets, medical documentation guide, program surveys and evaluations, sample funding proposal and much more.

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Release Date: January 1, 2017

ISBN: 978-0-88091-994-4

261 pages

SKU 994417

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