Access the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library (EAL). The EAL is a synthesis of the best, most relevant nutritional research on important dietetic practice questions housed within an accessible, online, user-friendly website.
An objective and transparent methodology is used to assess food and nutrition-related science. The EAL is a series of systematic reviews based on a predefined approach and criteria. Meticulous methods and electronic tools are used to document each step to ensure objectivity, transparency and reproducibility of the process. Expert workgroup members evaluate, synthesize, and grade the strength of the evidence to support conclusions that answer a precise series of questions. Over 40 evidence analysis projects are either published or in the development process. Each project includes:
Graded conclusion statements for questions formulated by a group of experts on the topic.
Supporting documentation, including bibliographies, search plans, research articles abstracted into formatted worksheets and quality criteria checklists.
Each graded conclusion statement has a corresponding evidence summary.
Seventeen (17) Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines are currently published and include major recommendations with corresponding rating of evidence strength for a specific disease or condition.
Active members of the Academy receive free access to the EAL ( Non-members can have full access when they purchase an Annual ($250) or One-month subscription ($50).
Group Subscriptions: Multi-user subscriptions are available for university/medical libraries, government agencies, dietetic associations, organizations. Email for pricing information.