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Nutrition Care of the Older Adult, 3rd Ed.

Dietetics in Health Care Communities Dietetic Practice Group

Copy of Nutrition Care of the Older Adult, 3rd Ed. lying on a desk. Sample Pages

Nutrition Care of the Older Adult, 3rd Ed.

Dietetics in Health Care Communities Dietetic Practice Group

Your Price $28.49 - $37.49

The fourth edition will be available at the end of August.

A 2021 Doody's Core Titles® Selection

Whether residing at home, in assisted living or in a nursing facility, older adults have unique nutrition needs. Like the previous edition, this hands-on reference encompasses the total perspective on person-driven nutrition care of older adults, from nutrition and disease states to regulatory compliance in health care settings.

Among the many timely updates addressed in this edition are strategies for implementing the updated Nutrition Care Process; understanding and developing systems to implement quality assurance and performance improvement; and addressing changes in Medicare and health-care reform resulting from the Affordable Care Act. A new section on emergency preparedness is an important addition that reinforces the need for practitioners to develop a plan for maintaining care during an emergency or disaster.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: May 10, 2016

ISBN: 978-0-88091-488-8

Pages: 400

SKU: 488816

Format: Softbound (8.5 × 11)

CPEU: 5.00 (Valid Until June 22, 2025)

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Dietetics in Health Care Communities Dietetic Practice Group


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Kathleen C. Niedert, RD, CSG, LD, FADA


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Marla P. Carlson


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