Making Nutrition Your Business, 2nd Ed. (eBook)
This comprehensive eBook is for nutrition professionals interested in creating, growing, and maintaining a successful nutrition private practice.
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This comprehensive eBook is for nutrition professionals interested in creating, growing, and maintaining a successful nutrition private practice.
Member Price $44.99
Nonmember Price $59.99
Making Nutrition Your Business, 2nd Ed. is a complete "roadmap" to beginning and maintaining a nutrition-based business, providing detailed advice on:
Written by two experienced private practitioners with thriving businesses, this hands-on second edition includes more guidance on setting up third-party reimbursement and becoming an insurance provider, a new chapter featuring success stories from private practice dietitians, and a comprehensive resources section. It is a must-read for all nutrition and dietetics professionals who aspire to go out on their own. Sample pages include the Table of Contents, Foreword, sample chapter, Index and more.
CPEU: 6.0 (valid until 10/31/2026)
"As a business owner for 26 years, I highly recommend this comprehensive guide as a blueprint for success on how to open a private practice and survive in a changing healthcare environment."
- Lucille Beseler, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE, FAND
President, Family Nutrition Center of South Florida; Past President, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016-2017
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