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Making Nutrition Your Business, 2nd Ed. on a tablet screen, with the tablet lying on a desk.

Making Nutrition Your Business, 2nd Ed. (eBook)

Ann Silver, MS, RD, CDE, CDN, and Lisa Stollman, MA, RDN, CDE, CDN

This comprehensive eBook is for nutrition professionals interested in creating, growing, and maintaining a successful nutrition private practice.

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Making Nutrition Your Business, 2nd Ed. is a complete "roadmap" to beginning and maintaining a nutrition-based business, providing detailed advice on:

  • Structuring your business
  • Money management
  • Setting up and equipping an office
  • Using technology to your advantage
  • Marketing and growing your business
  • Billing and reimbursement
  • Getting clients to return, and more

Written by two experienced private practitioners with thriving businesses, this hands-on second edition includes more guidance on setting up third-party reimbursement and becoming an insurance provider, a new chapter featuring success stories from private practice dietitians, and a comprehensive resources section. It is a must-read for all nutrition and dietetics professionals who aspire to go out on their own. Sample pages include the Table of Contents, Foreword, sample chapter, Index and more.

CPEU: 6.0 (valid until 10/31/2026)


"As a business owner for 26 years, I highly recommend this comprehensive guide as a blueprint for success on how to open a private practice and survive in a changing healthcare environment."
- Lucille Beseler, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE, FAND
President, Family Nutrition Center of South Florida; Past President, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016-2017

Please note: Academy eBooks require downloading the eatright eReader app. Access to the eBooks is for single-use only. Multiple-user access is not available.

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Release Date: October 3, 2017

ISBN: 978-0-88091-953-1

270 pages

SKU 440818e

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